Halline "Haylow" Overby
What does your morning routine look like?
My morning routine involves listening to sports debates while reading news headlines with a bowl of oatmeal.
Where do you look for inspiration? A place, a person, a book, an action?
In terms of people, my partner Lexx Valdez and my mother are two of my biggest inspirations. I am also very good at searching social media for inspiration, that includes friends and those I don't know. Inspiration also comes from music, art, and adventure.
What work are you most proud of?
I am most proud of my circle of friends, and the company I keep.
What has been the biggest challenge on your journey?
My biggest challenge has been my health, both mental and physical.
How do you define success? What are the goalposts you look out for?
The obvious markers of success are the ability to achieve desired goals, but the underlying definition is true eternal peace and happiness.
What's the best advice you've gotten from someone?
I can't think of the best, but what comes to mind is "what you have is good enough". I apply it to times where I feel inadequate or insecure as a creative, or other situations.
““What you have is good enough.””
Who is someone that has helped you get to where you are now? How were they impactful?
I would say my mother. She is the living embodiment of "living by example". She has taught me so many life lessons that she lives through me every day.
What are you currently listening to? What's on repeat?
I'm a huge fan of Roc Marciano. I consider him the rap version of Miles Davis combined with Blaxploitation films.
What's the last thing you bought with cash?
A churro from Costco. $1.10