Cash Machine is an artist run publisher in Atwater Village, CA.

more fake blood more smoke llc

3207 glendale blvd la ca 90039



How would you describe what you do? Your practice, your craft, your cash machine?

I'm a digital artist who paints colorful and joyous illustrations featuring queer people of color!

Can you tell us where you are from?

I'm from the Bronx, NY but I'm currently based in Philadelphia, PA.

What does your morning routine look like?

My mornings start with attaching myself to my partner's back in bed in hopes for more sleep. When we're finally both awake, we go feed our baby pug, Nori, and our cat, Mildred. One of us will make a smoothie or green juice while the other makes our French press coffee. I love making breakfast, so that's usually my job! We eat breakfast on the couch and watch a tv show like Bob's Burgers. I know it's time to start work when I finish my green juice or smoothie. These days, I usually end up doing my skincare routine after breakfast and before work: wash my face, apply 2 serums, a moisturizer, then sunscreen. Then finally I'm ready for work!


What has been the biggest challenge on your journey?

My biggest challenge has been allowing myself to rest. The instagram algorithm very much affects how much money I make. At a certain point, I realized I made the most money in my shop by obeying the algorithm. It made me miserable and I got burnt out. I'm still trying to recover. Not resting properly has robbed a lot of creative energy from me. I'm on the path of discovering more balance and how to run a successful business without harming my physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

How do you define success? What are the goalposts you look out for?

Success used to mean something different for me. Right now, I think success means I'm proud of myself. I want to be happy with the work I'm putting out. I want to create when creativity calls to me, and I want my audience to see how happy I am so they can share the joy of artwork with me.

Who is someone that has helped you get to where you are now? How were they impactful?

My mom and my brother. In my last year of college, I was at a crossroads. I could do something with my degree, or continue down the path of art. We were homeless and had been for many years, living in a family shelter in East Harlem. I wanted to make money as quickly as possible so we would have the income to get a 3 bedroom apartment. At the same time, painting became my passion. I asked my mom and brother to give me a few months to figure it out and see if I could start making money from my artwork. They gave me the chance. They believed in me. My brother is the person who got me my first drawing tablet. I feel really blessed and loved that they gave me that chance. It was more important to them that I follow my dream than get a job that would have made me unhappy just so we could all leave the shelter sooner.


What are you currently listening to? What's your go-to sexy song?

I'm currently obsessed with The Internet, Khruangbin, and Steve Lacy. My go-to sexy song is either Come Over by The Internet, or Midnight by Khruangbin & Leon Bridges.

What's the last thing you bought with cash?

I went to the container store and bought containers for work!

See more of ggggrimes work at

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