Cash Machine is an artist run publisher in Los Angeles



Name/Stage Name etc

Kyler O'Neal

What city do you currently reside in?

Los Angeles



Do your on stage and off stage personalities differ tremendously? 

Not tremendously, but certainly significantly. When I dance on stage I'm like this super-woman-sex-siren. Meanwhile offstage, I'm very much more of a damsel in distress, yearning for understanding... and my Clark Kent ;)

What was the process of developing your performance persona?

My performance persona as a dancer continues to develop to this day. I mostly learn from watching others (i.e. dancers, music artists) and try to incorporate what I admire from them and what seems doable (for me) in my performance.

What motivates you to wake up in the morning?

The light shining through my window... and music... and guys.

What is the worst song that you absolutely love?


How do you define truth?

Honesty, sincerity and authenticity

Can you share a story of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat? 

I guess each time I've ever felt like giving up, whether in life or with a task or project, I didn't and everything turned out fine. And I suppose those are my snatching victories.

What’s your favorite part about being THE fantasy?

The hair and costumes

What is something most people don’t know about you?

I own a VCR... and use it!

What transformation would you love to see in our society in your lifetime?

Less hate and more conversations where people actively listen with an open mind to each other with the intent to learn and gain some common ground.

Any advice?  (literally about anything)

Always try to give others the respect you would like to receive.



